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Applications of Sustanon:
Sustanon 250 has potent androgenic features which are accompanied by powerful anabolic properties. The principal benefits of this preparation are enumerated below:  
- enhancement of muscle mass;  
- stimulation of appetite; 
- anticatabolic effects; 
- enhancement of number of red blood cells in blood; 
- improvement of oxygen transportation; 
- increase of endurance; 
- increase of libido (during administration of Sustanon 250). 

Sustanon cook recipes(Four Ester Testosterone Blend) 250mg/ml - 10ml
7.125ml Oil
0.3g Testosterone Propionate Powder
0.6g Testosterone Phenylpropionate Powder
0.6g Testosterone Isocaproate Powder
10g Testosterone Decanoate Powder
0.25ml BA (2.5%)
0.75ml BB (7.5%)

Testosterone Sustanon250

  • Available 

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