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Alias: Winstrol; Stanazol

CAS No.: 10418-03-8

Molecular formula: C21H32N2O

Molecular weight: 328.49

Characters: White Crystalline Powder.

Application range: Winstrol is used in humans for anaemia and angioedema. It is also used in animals to improve muscle growth, red blood cell production, and increase bone density.

Use: Used to build muscle and strength with little to no water retention.

Winstrol was used for many years as an anabolic steroid aimed to reduce body fat, especially designed if you were planning to enter a cutting phase without losing your muscle mass.

What’s great about Winstrol:

Just as an introduction about Winstrol, I can say this anabolic steroid was so famous for many years because it helps you cut body fat while preserving your muscle mass. It will not create bigger muscles, but it does increase your strength, speed, and stamina. No wonder why so many athletes wanted to use it.


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