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CAS No:53-39-4

Molecular formula:C19H30O3

Molecular weight:306.44


White or Almost White Crystalline Powder.


Anavar Benefits

The benefits of Anavar are rather straightforward. For starters, the drug is able to cut down on fatty storage build up around the body. It especially focuses on the midsection, which is a common fat storage area for most individuals. It can also burn through fatty tissue in other common storage areas such as the upper legs and back. While everyone stores fat differently in his or her body, the steroid should prove especially helpful when it comes to this.


Beyond just fat storage burning, the Anavar benefits include building lean, cut muscle. A user of the steroid is not going to bulk up like they might with other steroids, so for someone who wants to gain massive size and power, Anavar is not the steroid for them. Instead, it is going to help stimulate some muscle growth but, for the most part, it is instead focused in on providing defined, cut muscle that has a bit of growth to it. Anadrol is a better steroid for the sheer size and power that bodybuilders or weight lifters are probably going for.


Women who want to gain muscle while lifting can take Anavar, as it can prove helpful for this practice. In order to ensure muscle development and growth, increasing the dosage amount during a cycle is necessary. Most women can usually take around 20 mg a day and see desirable results of a cut body and desirable muscle definition. However, altering the dosage up to around 50 mg should prove to help boost muscle production.


Changing the dosage amount and experimenting with the total dosage may prove necessary in obtaining the desirable growth. Either way, either men or women using the steroid should not exceed taking the steroid for six week in a row.

Oxandrolone (Anavar)

  • Available

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