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Which steroid compounds to use for the beginner cycle?

Below is a brief summary of a handful of popular anabolic androgenic steroids which may be used for a beginner's steroid cycle:

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Testosterone (Enanthate / Cypionate / Propionate): The three words in the brackets refer to the ester. In simple terms, the ester is used to delay the release of the testosterone into the system and therefore you can use testosterone enanthate/cypionate if you wish to obtain a more slow release of testosterone (an active life of ~2 weeks) or testosterone propionate if you desire a faster acting effect (active life ~2-3 days). It is worth noting the fast acting propionate variation tends to be a sorer injection, and therefore undesirable for beginners who have never injected before.

Testosterone is extremely effective at causing rapid strength and muscle gains. We would expect to notice androgenic related side effects such as possible aggressiveness, oily skin and acne. Testosterone has a high tendency to convert to oestrogen, therefore side effects such fluid retention and Gynecomstia (breast tissue formation) should be considered possible (and therefore drugs such as Nolvedex and Proviron should be to hand).

Dianabol: The common dose for Dianabol is 30-50mg each day, with a cycle that would usually last between 4 and 6 weeks. 30-40mg would be an effective dose for a person that is new to Dianabol, resulting in great gains in muscle mass and strength, whilst restricting possible side effects.

Winstrol: Winstrol is an oral steroid which often brings about much more steadier gains in muscle mass compared to the likes of Dianabol. Winstrol does not convert to oestrogen and therefore oestrogenic side effects should be of no concern to the user. Users often have a more defined look when running Winstrol compared to other steroids due to the absence of any water retention from the drug.

Nandrolone (a.k.a. "Deca"): Nandrolone decanoate is structurally very similar to testosterone, yet possess reduced androgenic properties and converts to oestrogen at a much lower rate. Whilst oestrogenic side effects tend to be limited, progestin related side effects are of concern to users and these side effects make some users confused as they are similar to oestrogenic side effects. It is paramount such side effects are treated with a competitive aromatase inhibitor, such as Arimidex, to minimise oestrogen levels which avoids activation of the progesterone (progesterone needs oestrogen for activation). Be careful of this steroid if you compete in drug tested sports as it can stay traceable in the body for many months.

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